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we are currently working on creating our new website.


Sabak Portal

About SAK


Evaluation of Health Sciences Education programs and making accreditation decisions are carried out by the Health Sciences Education Programs Accreditation Board (SAK), which is an independent body of the Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Health Sciences Education Programs (SABAK).

SAK consists of totaly five persons, three representatives from university faculty members, one representative from the Ministry of Health, and one representative of the Turkish Quality Association (KalDer). Click for SAK members.

SAK Members;

Mevlüde KIZIL (Vice)

Deran OSKAY (Vice Chairman)

Seyhun TOPBAŞ 

Dilek TARHAN (Ministry of Health Representative)

Özlem Füsun SEVİM (KalDer Representative)

Maviş Emel KULAK KAYIKÇI (SABAK Representative)


SAK carries out its program evaluation activities through program evaluation teams formed for this purpose.

The structure, working principles and the details of the accreditation process of SAK are defined in the SABAK documents titled Working Regulation and Assessment and Accreditation Practice Principles Directive.


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